
Posted by Nimesh Patel 2023-03-02

There are different types of sedation dentistry, and your dentist may advise one type over others. Listed below are some of the common types of sedation dentistry.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation is a type of conscious sedative that is taken in the form of a pill by mouth. The pill will induce a relaxed, drowsy state to help you remain comfortable during your dental procedure. Oral sedation is often used in combination with nitrous oxide or IV sedation to fully sedate a patient for a lengthier treatment process. An oral medication isn’t as strong as other types of sedatives, so patients are still awake and able to respond to direction from the dentist during treatment. However, you may still experience some amnesia as well as an inability to remember parts of the dental procedure. Oral medications such as Valium are popular choices for this type of sedation dentistry. Many patients prefer this option because it is the most familiar option as most people have taken pills to relax before in the past. Pills are taken about an hour before your scheduled appointment. The effects of oral sedation can last several hours after your appointment has ended. If your dentist recommends this type of sedation, be sure to have a trusted adult drive you home after treatment.

Nitrous Oxide

Sometimes referred to as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is a safe and effective sedative agent that we use during some dental procedures. It is inhaled through a small nasal mask that is placed over your nose and mouth. You will be awake and responsive throughout the procedure but you will feel calm and will relax. At the end of your treatment, the mask will be taken off and you will return to a normal state of consciousness. The effects of nitrous oxide are quick wearing and you will be able to drive yourself home after your appointment. (440)-598-8780.

Intravenous Sedation

Intravenous sedation is the deepest level of sedation we offer at our dental office in Lakeland, Florida. With IV sedation, you will be taken into a separate room to snooze away while we work on your smile! We will monitor you with a heart monitor and pulse oximeter to ensure that your body can process the sedatives properly. We will give you a local anesthetic to numb you up before we begin your treatment. Feel free to bring a friend or family member to accompany you to your appointment. While you will be sleeping, they can help you drive home after your visit is complete. Your safety is our number one priority at Lakeside Family Dental! Feel free to ask us any questions that you may have about intravenous sedation when you come in for your visit. We’ll make sure to address any of your concerns in full detail so that you can make an informed decision about your dental care needs. We’re here to help you smile brighter than ever before with an improved set of teeth that are healthier than they’ve ever been before! Contact us today to schedule your appointment. We look forward to seeing you soon!

-Drs. Larry and Joanne Schendel

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Importance of Regular Check-Ups

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How Can Sedation Dentistry Help Dental Anxiety?
How Can Sedation Dentistry Help Dental Anxiety?

Dental anxiety is a fear of the dentist or any type of dental procedure. It affects millions of Americans and can be quite debilitating. But, with sedation dentistry, patients can undergo dental procedures without feeling anxious. WHAT IS SEDATION DENTISTRY? Sedation dentistry is a branch of dental care that is focused on helping patients achieve a state of relaxation and comfort throughout their treatment. This can be achieved through the use of oral sedatives, anxiety-relieving medications, or even nitrous gas for patients who are particularly nervous about their upcoming procedure. Patients with mild or moderate dental anxiety tend to benefit most from sedation dentistry, allowing them to receive dental treatments that might otherwise have been postponed due to fear and discomfort. Unfortunately, many patients who experience dental fear put off routine preventive care and examination appointments with a general dentist out of fear of a potentially painful checkup. Over time, this can lead to serious oral health concerns that require more costly restorative care. Luckily, the compassionate team at our practice understands how inconvenient it can be for patients to experience dental anxiety. That is why we are proud to offer sedation dentistry at our practice in Chandler, AZ to help our patients feel at ease during their visit. To schedule your consultation with our skilled team, contact us today at [practice_website] to learn more about our comprehensive range of dental services. Custom Search Links Browse Topics Schedule an Appointment Patient Testimonails “My experience at Dr. Wu's office is always great! The front desk staff is amazing and always greets me by name as soon as I walk through the door.” - Sean F. “Dr. Wu is an awesome dentist! He is very meticulous and professional! His office staff is also very friendly!” - Ingrid G. “I have had cleanings and a few cavities filled here, and the service was great every time. There is little to no waiting time for my appointments, and the hygienists do a great job of making sure I am comfortable and IS SEDATION DENTISTRY RIGHT FOR ME? If you suffer from anxiety, or fear the dentist, then sedation dentistry may be right for you. When you have had traumatic experiences at the dentist in the past, it can be very hard to make yourself return. But the longer you put it off, the worse the problem can become. By the time patients finally decide to visit a dentist again, they may find that they need extensive treatment. Dr. [doctor_name] has helped many patients overcome their fears and feel more comfortable in the dental chair through the use of sedation dentistry. Most sedatives can be taken by mouth and will take effect within minutes. Once patients are relaxed and comfortable, we can begin providing any necessary dental treatments. If you are interested in learning more, please call [phone]. HOW IS SEDATION DENTISTRY ADMINISTERED? Oral sedation dentistry is administered orally in the form of a pill or liquid. The sedatives used are typically benzodiazepines such as Valium, Xanax, and Ativan. These drugs have a sedative effect on the body, which slows down breathing and heart rate to minimize anxiety and encourage a state of relaxation for the patient. Typically, an oral medication is taken about an hour before the procedure begins. This puts the patient in a relaxed state where they’ll remain through the treatment process. Patients are still awake, but they’re in a state of deep relaxation. This is an excellent option for patients that suffer from severe anxiety and have trouble sitting through procedures without getting nervous or anxious. Some types of oral sedation dentistry can last for several hours after the procedure has been finished, so your dentist may recommend you have a friend drive you home from the appointment. This can be a good solution for nervous patients who need a lot of work done in a single appointment. Having another person around can help calm nerves and provide a distraction from the situation at hand. If you only need one or two treatments done, though, the sedative effects should wear off within a couple of hours after the appointment is over. Benefits of Oral Sedation Dentistry There are several benefits of using oral sedation dentistry for dental work. Some of these benefits include: - Minimal side effects — Oral sedation methods produce minimal to no side effects. Sore throats are sometimes reported, but the overall effect is minimal compared to other types of sedation dentistry. - Highly effective at reducing anxiety — Oral sedation is an extremely effective method of managing dental anxiety. It can even eliminate it altogether, making dental appointments much easier to deal with in the future. - Fast acting — With oral sedation,

Foods That Can Harm Your Oral Health
Foods That Can Harm Your Oral Health

Do you often find yourself consuming sugary foods or drinking sugary drinks? Are you worried if these foods are bad for your oral and dental health? If yes, read on to know how these foods negatively affect your dental health. Sugary Foods Any food high in sugar is unhealthy for your teeth. Sugar feeds oral bacteria, causing tooth decay and cavities. Sticky candies like caramel stick to the teeth, lingering in the mouth for a long time. This means that your saliva cannot wash the sugar away, so it sits on your teeth, damaging enamel. Avoiding sticky treats reduces your risk of tooth decay. Hard Candy Hard candies are one of the worst treats for your oral health. Sugar from the candy will stick to your teeth, encouraging bacteria growth and causing the enamel to wear away faster. The sugar also clings to the bacteria that already live in your mouth and causes them to multiply more quickly. Eating these types of candy can cause you to get cavities in a shorter amount of time. Cavities require treatment from your dentist that can be painful and expensive. Some types of hard candy even contain acids that can cause damage to your teeth. Acidic foods wear away the enamel on your teeth faster than other foods. This puts you at a greater risk of tooth decay, cavities, and even sensitivity issues with the teeth. If you do eat hard candy, make sure to brush and floss your teeth immediately afterward to remove as much residue as possible. Soft Drinks Sugary beverages are some of the worst for oral health for a number of reasons. To start, they include a lot of sugar in them. This is one of the reasons why they are so sweet and enjoyable to drink. However, that sugar feeds oral bacteria in the mouth. As a result, these bacteria produce acid. This acid wears down tooth enamel and causes tooth decay. Additionally, the acids in soft drinks damage gum tissue and cause gum disease to develop. To avoid these problems, you should limit your intake of sugary drinks like soda, sports drinks, and energy drinks. Coffee/Tea The acid in coffee can also wear down your enamel over time. If you drink a lot of coffee or tea daily, make sure you also consume plenty of water to wash away the acidity and wash it away from your teeth. You can also rinse your mouth with water immediately after drinking coffee or drinking tea to help wash away any of the acids that remain in your mouth. Wine Alcohol can cause dry mouth, which can lead to bad breath and tooth decay. It can also wear down your enamel. Red wine specifically can cause stains on your teeth, which is the last thing you need if you’re wearing braces or undergoing teeth whitening treatments. If you do drink red wine, be sure to brush your teeth soon after to avoid staining. You can also drink water after consuming any alcoholic beverage to rinse your mouth out and stay hydrated. If you want to sip on some wine during a special occasion, consider drinking it through a straw. This will reduce the amount that hits your teeth. Sports Drinks Many sports drinks claim to help athletes perform better during workouts or sporting events. However, these drinks are also filled with sugars and other additives that can damage teeth. The acid in these beverages can cause tooth enamel to wear away over time. Additionally, consuming too much refined sugar can directly damage teeth. If you are an athlete who chooses a sports drink over water before an event, rinse your mouth with water after drinking to reduce any damage it may cause to your teeth. To maintain a healthy smile, avoid eating these types of foods and beverages wherever possible.  Dried Fruits The chewy texture and sweet taste of dried fruits are appealing treats that are easy to pack in a lunch or keep in your desk drawer at work for a quick afternoon snack. Unfortunately, the sticky consistency of dried fruit means that it sticks to your teeth long after consumption; this doesn’t just make your mouth feel gross but also contributes to tooth decay. Additionally, many dried fruits contain added sugars and preservatives that make them harmful to your overall health. If you do enjoy the taste of dried fruit, look for options that are unsweetened.  Keeping your teeth and gums healthy is essential to maintaining overall health and quality of life. Visit Dental 2000 33 Creek Rd #210-B, Irvine, CA 92604, or call (949) 857-6757 to book an appointment.


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